Visits and Visitors

To enhance our curriculum and provide a rich variety of learning experiences for the children, we enjoy a wide range of visitors to the nursery. These visits are funded by your school fund contributions. Times and dates of these visits can be found on our 'Calendar' page. We will share pictures of these visits on our Seesaw app so that you can chat together with your child about the exciting experiences they have been enjoying in nursery.
Shine for All Sports
Our children's Shine for All sessions provide fun-filled sports activity. The fun game-based learning encourages and supports physical activity and mental wellbeing. All sessions will be led by Katelyn who is a fully qualified coach. Shine for All offers children the opportunity to:
- Enhance physical flexibility and core strength
- Refine balance and co-ordination
- Develop focus and concentration
- Boost self-esteem and confidence
- Develop hand-eye co-ordination
- Foster social skills
Jo Jingles - Music and Percussion Programme.
This interactive musical programme has been developed by experienced Early Years teachers and helps to promote:
- Communication & Language skills
- Listening skills
- Numeracy skills
- Physical capability
- Creativity & imagination
- Memory
- Personal social & emotional development
Relax Kids
Relax Kids was created in 2000 with one goal - to help children feel happier, more positive
This programme has been designed to help improve your child’s anger, general behaviour, concentration, confidence and sleep by using daily relaxation.
We believe that every child has a right to feel calm and confident.
Other visitors might include:
- Theatre Companies
- The postman, nurse, police, fire services
- Dog’s Trust
- Oxford Island Outreach
- Debutots- Learning through story, drama and play
We have a rich local environment which we make use of throughout the year as part of our planned learning. The children may experience visits to:
- Forest Parks to learn about e.g. changing seasons, minibeasts and where they live, fairy tales
- Veterinary Surgery, Fire Services to learn about different animals and about ‘People who help us’
- Planetarium, Museum, Cathedral, Market, Local Library
Railway Street Nursery School, Railway Street, Armagh BT61 7HP
Phone: 028 3752 3472