Health Visitor-3 year review

The 3+ Review is a joint Health-Education initiative, which is being implemented as part of the Early Intervention Transformation Programme (EITP).
The 3+ Review aims to holistically review the developmental progress of pre-school children. Information from the Review can be used to support the child’s development, assist pre-school education settings with planning for the delivery of the Curricular Guidance for Pre-School Education, and identify any potential areas for focus for your pre-school class, both generally, and for any individual children who may require more targeted support. Early identification of need also enables timely referral to support services where appropriate.
The 3+ Review takes place in the pre-school education setting and is carried out in partnership with the parents/carers, Health Visitor and pre-school practitioners.
The 3+ Review is usually carried out in 2 stages:
i. completion of a questionnaire by the child’s parent /carer;
ii. meeting between the named health visitor and the parents / carers in the preschool setting to discuss the child’s development, including the information provided in the completed questionnaire.
All pre-school settings now have a named Health Visitor assigned to them.
The 3+ Review is offered to all target age children in their pre-school year in mainstream Department of Education funded pre-school education settings.
Railway Street Nursery School, Railway Street, Armagh BT61 7HP
Phone: 028 3752 3472