Access Keys:

Railway Street Nursery School, Railway Street, Armagh

Bear Hunt and Brown Day

30th Nov 2023
We went on a bear hunt in our nursery garden! We came upon long wavy grass, a deep cold river, squelchy squirchy mud, a dark gloomy forest and a swirling twirling snowstorm. We couldn't go over them, we couldn't go under them, we had to go THOUGH them. Eventually we came to a cave and oh, oh... we saw one wet shiny nose, 2 furry ears and 2 googly was a bear!! We had to go all the way back through the snowstorm, forest, mud, river and grass until we eventually got back into our classroom and under the covers. We decided we are NOT going on a bear hunt again!!!

Afterwards we enjoyed consolidating all our learning by watching the story on the interactive board before enjoying our well deserved and home made bear biscuits.